Thursday, January 2, 2025

FREE Coloring Page (Romance)



Let me know what you think in the comments.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

FREE coloring page: "What a doll"


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Free Coloring Page

 I don't know about you, but I love free things, especially coloring pages. If you'd prefer a PDF version, use the Contact Me form.

Let me know what you think of the coloring pages. I appreciate any and all feedback. If you like them, I'll continue to share more freebies (coloring pages and, in the not-too-distant future, short stories, and contests). 

To know more about what I'm doing, sign up on the Contact Me form. Your information--email and name--will not be shared with anyone else. FYI, I'm not into spamming. 
**That's my personal guarantee to you.**

I'm continually working on new stories and as I'm preparing to release them into the wild, I'll offer 10 free advanced copies for anyone willing to read and leave an Amazon review.
Sign up for this limited offer on my Contact Me form. 

New book title to be announced shortly!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

What I've been up to

 Let me tell you what I've done while I was absent from my blog (sorry about that). I've been getting my life in order. Literally and figuratively.

First, I discovered Dana K. White's No-Mess Decluttering Method. If you don't know what that is and you have issues with clutter, I recommend her Youtube videos and books. To see the exact video that changed my environment, click here: DanaKWhite 

On a less-than-upbeat note, a week after I started decluttering, I had to say goodbye to my eighteen-year-old calico sweetheart. Normally, something tragic like this would have derailed me, but not this time! I kept going. Within one month, my apartment was the best it's ever been. Lonelier but tidy.

Next, I returned to intermittent fasting, guided by Dr. Jason Fung. He's outstanding! Then I began the 30-Day Walking Challenge (just hit Day 16 mark), and added being careful about what I eat (I'm still in the early stages). I can't begin to tell you how weird it is for me to crave veggies instead of chips and chocolate.

While I'm implementing those things into my life, I'm also writing/plotting/editing every day. This might not sound like much, but add helping my sister care for my aging parents into the mix, that's more than a full day's worth of busy.

Now that I'm caught up with announcing what I've been doing, I'm excited about what the present and future are bringing, including some very nice surprises for my readers. Check in again to see what's planned.


PS if you haven't seen my Finding Love In The Blizzard Belt series, click here: