Friday, May 20, 2016

Police are mystified at the lack of clues... NEVER TOMORROW available now!

Prism Book Group News!


A compelling mystery with a powerful theme of forgiveness and healing...
Journalist Whitney Barnes investigates the mysterious death of her mother and three women from Cortland City seeking the thread that links them to an enigmatic killer. Why are women being murdered with no apparent motives for their death? Police are mystified at the lack of clues and a growing sense of fear surrounds the community. Who will be the next victim?
Determined to find the killer, Whitney discovers these women were dealing with wounds from their troubling pasts, but what was their connection? She teams up with Dr. Sarah Stevens, an expert on women’s issues, to ferret out information while TV talk show host Rich and real estate broker Jordan vie for Whitney’s affection.
Whitney discovers new strength within her but is it powerful enough to cope with this dark force of evil? Suspense escalates as Whitney becomes the killer’s next target.

$3.99 Ebook
$13.99 Print

Copyright 2016 © Judith Rolfs

“I don’t believe this. What are the chances of running into you twice in two days?”
“No way. I thought you were going to the Ring of Kerry?”
“The rain made me change my plans. How nice to find you. I’d hoped I would. I’m about to go on the Cliff Walk. It’s a lovely site. Did you read about it in your guidebook?”
“Yes. I saw the cliff when I drove in.”
“Want to join me?”
“Isn’t it terribly steep and rocky?” Kendra was cautious by nature.
“Climbing the trail is perfectly safe. It’s one of the best sites in Ireland.”
“But it’s raining.”
“You have an umbrella and a rain jacket, don’t you? We’ll stay dry. This will be an adventure.”
Kendra tossed her head back. “How often will I have such an opportunity? Let’s.”
They hustled along the two blocks from downtown to the start of the trail. A painted sign at the base read “Caution On Windy Days.”
Kendra appeared to hesitate. “Maybe I shouldn’t after all.”
“Nonsense. There’s only a little wind today. Just mind your step. I’ll go first. You’ll see how easy it is.”
Kendra followed tentatively. “I wish my daughter, Whitney, were here. As a child, she loved playing in the rain.”
Lily smiled. “How nice. We’ll do the walk for her. The view will be incredible.”
The gradual incline seemed to relax Kendra.
Lily pointed toward the sea. “Look at those majestic waves beating against the cliffs.”
Two other tourists who had hiked to the top passed them on their way down.
At the summit the two women stood alone, leaving the other less adventuresome tourists below. Kendra snapped pictures. “Did you ever see anything so gorgeous?”
Lily laughed. “I’m queen of the mountain.” She glanced back at the trail. No one else appeared to be coming up. She waited a few minutes to be sure then pulled her camera from a zippered black case around her waist.
Ignoring the “No Trespassing” sign at the edge of the cliff, Lily climbed over the three-foot high guardrail. “I can get a better picture from here.”
“Be careful,” Kendra murmured, her voice catching.
Lily moved within inches of the cliff’s edge on the pretext of taking pictures.
Kendra looked away. “I can’t bear to watch.”
“I’m fine. This is my new Nikon.” Lily waved the camera.
Kendra turned her back completely.
Lily took advantage of the moment to stomp and thud to the ground about eight feet past the railing. She cried out, “Darn! I’ve twisted my ankle and can’t get up. Help me, please.”
Kendra snapped around, covering her mouth with her hands. “Oh no. I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“Come a little way past the railing so I can lean on you to get up. Ouch.” Lily moaned again. “It hurts terribly.”
Kendra edged closer to the metal railing and gingerly leaned over.
“Grab my arm. I’ll pull you back.”
Lily planted her palms on the ground and feigned pushing herself up. She collapsed and grimaced. “I can’t get up. I need you to help me stand. It’s quite safe. Stay on the level ground.”
Still Kendra resisted climbing over.
“Owww,” Lily moaned louder.
Kendra blinked rapidly. “Okay, I’m coming.” She lowered her head and inched over the rail.
Kendra edged slowly over to Lily’s side. Lily jumped up like a tigress and whipped her arms against Kendra’s chest. Lily’s advantage of surprise and size prevailed.
Kendra tottered, regained her balance a few seconds, then Lily shoved again, another strong, swift thrust. Kendra gasped and fell backward, her legs folding beneath her. Lily peered over the ledge as Kendra’s arms scrabbled for a root, a branch, anything. No foliage grew along the barren precipice.
Her victim tumbled, thrashing wildly.
Kendra’s scream echoed briefly before being lost in the sound of the crashing waves beating against the rocks.

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