Monday, April 29, 2013

FREE EBOOK Kicking Eternity

Cover for 'Kicking Eternity'

By Ann Lee Miller
Rating: 1 star1 star1 star1 star0.5 star
(4.50 based on 8 reviews) 

Published: May 11, 2012 
Words: 75,660 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781476091754

Stuck in sleepy New Smyrna Beach one last summer, Raine socks away her camp pay checks, worries about her druggy brother, and ignores trouble: Cal Koomer. She’s a plane ticket away from teaching orphans in Africa, and not even Cal’s surfer six-pack and the chinks she spies in his rebel armor will derail her.

The artist in Cal begs to paint Raine’s ivory skin, high cheek bones, and internal sparklers behind her eyes, but falling for her would caterwaul him into his parents’ life. No thanks. The girl was self-righteous waiting to happen. Mom served sanctimony like vegetables, three servings a day, and he had a gut full.

Rec Director Drew taunts her with “Rainey” and calls her an enabler. He is so infernally there like a horsefly—till he buzzes back to his ex.

Raine’s brother tweaks. Her dream of Africa dies small deaths. Will she figure out what to fight for and what to free before it’s too late?

For anyone who’s ever wrestled with her dreams. 

Review by: Dii on March 03, 2013 : star star star star star
Ann Miller has written another great book that demonstrates that even with a strong faith, life can still be confusing, particularly when dealing with matters of the heart!

Raine has her future planned out. She feels God is calling her to go to serve as a missionary in Africa. To earn money for her trip, she spends her summer working at a Christian Camp where she finds she is attracted to two totally different young men who return her feelings. Meanwhile, she has gotten off to a bad start with her room mate, and only needs to get to know her to find how well they can relate.

Each of the four main characters, Raine, Cal, Drew and Aly are flawed. They are human, they are young, their emotions are real. Some of them rely on their faith to help give them strength, but each one of them still have personal struggles. For Raine, it was confusion in love. She feels something for both Cal and Drew, she does things out of love for her brother.

I think Ann has done a wonderful job of showing her characters as young people with growing pains, all striving to do the best they can, and NOT using God as a shield or crutch, but as a guide. They make mistakes, they learn from them. That is real life.

What I really like best about Ann's books? They are well-written and take 'the fear of reading Christian books' away! What Ann writes is current to today's teens/new adults and is easily related to in a smooth flowing way that puts the reader in the story completely!

I highly recommend her books for anyone who is or have ever been caught in the throes of young adulthood!
(review of free book)
Review by: Charissa Stastny on Aug. 28, 2012 : star star star star
Very clean romance with a unique love triangle that kept me wondering far into the story who Rainey would choose. This story is set in a bible camp in Florida where Rainey is a bible teacher as she waits to go to Africa to be a missionary. Drew, the activities director and a childhood friend, teases her; Cal, the art teacher and a rebel to the Christian values his parents espoused, draws Rainey in with his handsome looks and charm. Issues brought up in this book are Christian values, meth use and addiction, and hard family relationships when dealing with a user. I enjoyed this story a lot. It was well written, fast paced and I learned a lot from it.
(review of free book)

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