Thursday, June 27, 2013

ARE YOU HEADSTRONG OR HEART­­-STRONG? Take the quiz to find out

Circle the answer that best describes you to see if your head or your heart rules.

1.      Which character in Sense & Sensibility do you resemble more?
      A.  Practical, reasonable Eleanor
      B.  Impetuous, romantic Marianne

2.      If you have an argument with your significant other, do you
      A.  Marshal your logical points for a debate?
      B.  Burst into tears?

3.      You receive a surprise $250 gift from Aunt Sally.  Do you
      A.  Invest 50%, pay bills with 25%, and buy tickets to a play with the remainder? 
      B.  Blow it on some outrageous lingerie?

4.      In the next election, what matters most to you in selecting a candidate to support?
      A.  Experience?  The candidate will know how to deal with politics.
      B.  Ideas?  The candidate will be able to lead change for improvements.

5.      If a small appliance breaks down, are you more likely to
      A.  Find the original instruction booklet and guarantee before starting?
      B.  Attack the problem at once with screwdriver and duct tape?

6.      When you gain a few pounds, do you
A.    Analyze and follow a diet plan?
B.      Starve yourself until you’re weak from hunger?

7.      Which would you prefer as a present—
A.     A gift card to your favorite store?
      B.  An expensive, rare flower?

8.      What game do you like to play more?
      A.  Scrabble?
      B.  Charades?
9.      What kind of exercise do you favor?
A. Stairmaster?  You can do it any time day or night, any temperature.
B. Walk in the park?  Whatever the weather, you can FEEL better.

10.  On the weekend, do you
A.  Have a schedule for cleaning, shopping, visits, and other obligations?
B.  See the days as wonderful open opportunities for adventures and new experiences?

If you answered mostly “A,” you’re headstrong, focused on your goals, practical, determined.
If you answered mostly “B,’ you’re heart-strong, emotional, empathetic, spontaneous.
We’re combinations of both types, but we tend to lean one way or another.  Both types have strengths, and we can adapt if we choose.

Read about a woman who learns to use the best parts of being both headstrong and the opposite in the novella “Heart-Strong,” by Bonnie McCune, from Prism Book Group.

Heart-strong [Kindle Edition]

Bonnie McCune 

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Kindle Price:$0.96 includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
You Save:$4.03 (81%)


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